In This Moment

Hello! Take a breath and settle in, if you choose to stay. It’s your moment of choice.

It has taken a humbling tussle with breast cancer to open my eyes to the moment I am in. Moments which can be a few seconds; a fleeting interaction, a happy thought. Or periods of time delineated by some external structure; a work day, a treatment schedule or a plane trip. And then moments as life stages; mothering a newborn, high school education, a career, even dying well as you acknowledge your last days. All these hold a context for the minuscule moment which is accompanied by my next breath in and subsequent release. 

How am I going to spend this moment that I am present to? How shall I live well?

My understanding was made very concrete that there is no single, right answer to this wonderful ride called life! I am now more present to it all being about perspective and choice. My perspective on what is important changed dramatically. As a result, how I live has changed. The way I make choices is clearer and more compassionate and I watch as each choice inescapably accumulates to a life lived. 

This clarity has brought a change to how I choose to spend my time. And time, oh my! Time continually morphed for me depending on what news I had; which chemo day I was on, when surgery loomed or healing ‘took too long’.

Looking back that ordeal was timeless, a black hole, though I can see on the calendar that it is over a year since treatment began. So now, as I said, I see time as an opportunity for context and presence. From the big scheme of things, to this next breath. I enjoy it being less linear in my perception and more multi-faceted, multi-layered and, as they say, multi-dimensional.

So I intend to spend time sharing some of my hard-won perspective with you, dear reader. My desire in this, as with everything I share, is for connection. Connection into my own thoughts and interactions, offering connection in and with you and your own ideas. This is truly what makes my life rich. I hope it might enrich yours too.

In This Moment. 

And in more to come.