There is no set price for these offerings. I have simply set guidelines for you to choose between, as explained here:
I invite you to check-in with what payment feels good to you, within the parameters that I set below. My work is all about self-authority and about taking the time to check-in and know what is right for you, so here is a chance to practice that, in a place where you can’t get it wrong. I trust in this way of collaborating. I share what I have and you share something in return.
And it doesn’t have to all be returned in monetary currency. You might like to supplement the money you spend by sharing my website or social media links, talking to someone about your experience with my work. Or by sending me a note to tell me how this is helping you. All of this is a gift in return. So thank you.
My Guidelines in Canadian Dollars:
Live Zoom Gathering: $8.00 is the minimum. $24.00 would feel like generous recompense to me for the care, time, design and technology involved. And $48.00, would feel like a beautiful honouring of all that I bring to my work!
Commissioned Poetry: $15.00 minimum for a short piece, up to $150.00 for a personalised work of art.
If your currency is US$ or UK Pounds, please simply pay me in those currencies on Paypal which avoids exchange fees and enables me to use those funds in your countries.
So now please just drop into your heart and choose what feels resonant to you for this particular offering. Click on the number, then Checkout and you will be taken to Paypal to complete the transaction.
I look forward to being with you, Emma xo