
Begin it.

As I was writing my previous post, Dreamer, this Goethe quote popped into my mind and the encouragement, “begin it”, would not let up. Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe – Poet I sat for a while, as the …

Begin it. Read More »


I would have been only 9 when I first heard the track, Dreamer, on my brother’s Supertramp album, Crime of the Century. We listened to that album over and over sitting on orange, faux-velvet sofas, feet in the brown, shag-pile carpet, looking out at sunsets or rain over the Welsh hills. That particular track still …

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Starting over.

Blossoms burnish bark Pruned branch flowering from scars says bloom where you are. EmmaJ I was struck by the “pom-poms” adorning this old cherry in Clifton Village, Bristol during my trip last month. I have never seen anything quite like it and admired the effort and enthusiasm! This poem started to take form as I …

Starting over. Read More »

Cancer Prepared Us For This

We were primed for this pandemic. We who have lived through the explosion of normal into shards of incredulity and horror. We who remember the day of diagnosis, life’s seismic shift when lofty dreams switched to, I want to live!